Nature News Feature highlights 2D polymers

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Nature News Feature highlights 2D polymers among others

"... creating 2D polymers is tough. If just one of the holes in the growing mesh closes up in the wrong way, the membrane could buckle into a 3D mess. Polymer chemist Dieter Schlüter of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich worked on this problem for more than a decade before achieving success in 2014."

"Schlüter admits that he has faced scepticism about whether 2D polymers will flourish. "But that's healthy," he says. "And I'm very stubborn – I will not give up, I'm convinced of the great potential this development has."

The plastics revolution: how chemists are pushing polymers to new limits, M. Peplow, Nature 2016, 536, 266. DOI:10.1038/536266a

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